Conference Papers

Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in full text in the proceedings:

  1. Anđić, B., Mumcu, F., Tejera, M., Schmidthaler, E., & Lavicza, Z. (2023). Unplugging Math: Integrating Computational Thinking into Mathematics Education Through Poly-Universe. In: Dascalu, M., Mealha, Ó., Virkus, S. (eds) Smart Learning Ecosystems as Engines of the Green and Digital Transition. SLERD 2023. Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology. Springer, Singapore. [Full paper]
  2. Demiraslan Çevik, Y., Dağhan, G., Somyürek, S., & Mumcu, F. (2020). Reflections on the implementation of an online learning environment designed to improve students’ decision-making skills. Presented at 14th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2020), March 2 – 4, Valencia, Spain. [Full paper]
  3. Mumcu, F. & Usluel, Y. (2013). Teachers’ perceptions related to levels of ICT implementation. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 83, 729-733. Presented at 2nd World Conference on Educational Technology Research, June 27 – 30, Lefkosia, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. [Full paper]
  4. Haşlaman, T., Mumcu, F., & Usluel, Y. (2008). Integration of ICT into the teaching-learning process: Toward a unified model. Presented at World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA), Vienna, June 30 – July 4, Austria. [Full paper]
  5. Usluel, Y., Demiraslan Y., & Mumcu, F. (2007). Integrating ICT into classrooms: A note from Turkish teachers (p. 1569-1575). Presented at Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE), March 26 – 30, San Antonio, TX, USA. [Full paper]

Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published as abstracts:

  1. Mumcu, F. & Uslu, N. A. (2018). Social media addiction of high school students relating to problematic mobile phone usage and academic procrastination. Presented at Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) 2018 International Convention (Learning for All), October 23 – 27, Kansas City, USA.
  2. Mumcu, F. & Uslu, N. A. (2018). Course designs of teachers with project-based learning in teaching computer science. Presented at Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) 2018 International Convention (Learning for All), October 23 – 27, Kansas City, USA.

Papers presented at national scientific meetings and published as full text:

  1. Kıdıman Demirhan, E., Mumcu, F. & Yılmaz, M. (2023). The use of blockchain and NFT technologies in digital games: A survey study with Turkish gamers. 16th National Software Engineering Symposium, 27 February – 01 March, Erzurum, Turkiye. [Full paper] (In Turkish)
  2. Demiraslan Çevik, Y., Doğan, N., Karaman, H., Mumcu, F., Somyürek, S. & Dağhan, G. (2019). Investigation of pre-adolescent students’ decision-making skills according to demographic characteristics. 6th International Eurasian Educational Research Congress (EJER 2019), 19 – 22 June, Ankara, Türkiye. [Full paper] (In Turkish)
  3. Mumcu, F., Demiraslan Çevik, Y., Somyürek, S. & Dağhan, G. (2019). Investigation of decision-making processes as perceived by secondary school students. 13th International Computer and Instructional Technology Symposium (ICITS 2019), 1 – 3 May, Kırşehir, Türkiye. [Full paper] (In Turkish)
  4. Demiraslan-Çevik, Y., Mumcu, F., Dağhan, G. & Somyürek, S. (2018). Determining decision-making skills: EÖ-KVBT. 6th International Instructional Technologies & Teacher Education Symposium (ITTES), 12 – 14 September, Edirne, Türkiye. [Full paper] (In Turkish)
  5. Mumcu, F. & Usluel, Y. (2010). Scale development study on the integration of ICT into the learning-teaching process according to the technological pedagogical content knowledge model. 10th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 26 – 28 April, İstanbul, Türkiye. [Full paper] (In Turkish)
  6. Mumcu, F. & Usluel, Y. (2009). Networked learning and ELGG as a networked learning environment. 3rd International Symposium on Computer Education and Instructional Technology, 7 – 9 October, Trabzon, Türkiye. [Full paper] (In Turkish)
  7. Mumcu, F., Haşlaman, T. & Usluel, Y. (2008). Indicators of effective technology integration within the framework of technological pedagogical content knowledge model. 8th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 6 – 8 May, Eskişehir, Türkiye. [Full paper] (In Turkish)
  8. Mumcu, F., Haşlaman, T., Yıldız, B. & Tuzun, H. (2008). Usability in interactive system design: The case of a computing problem and requirement escalation system. 8th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 6 – 8 May, Eskişehir, Türkiye. [Full paper] (In Turkish)

Papers presented at national scientific meetings and published as abstracts:

  1. Mumcu, F., Uslu, N. A., Yıldız, B. & Özdinc, F. (2020). How should teachers be supported to design innovative interdisciplinary courses? A comparative study of 3-year teacher education projects. International Science, Mathematics, Entrepreneurship and Technology Education Congress, 19 – 22 November, Bursa, Turkiye. (In Turkish)
  2. Mumcu, F., Yıldız, B. & Özdinc, F. (2020). Teachers’ views on an interdisciplinary professional development training: The case of Interdisciplinary Teacher Academy. International Science, Mathematics, Entrepreneurship and Technology Education Congress, 19 – 22 November, Bursa, Turkiye. (In Turkish)
  3. Demiraslan Çevik, Y., & Dağhan, G., Mumcu, F. & Somyürek, S. (2019). Using video-based model examples in the development of decision-making skills. 7th International Instructional Technology and Teacher Education Symposium (ITTES 2019), 30 October – 01 November, Antalya, Türkiye. (In Turkish)
  4. Mumcu, F., Uslu, N. A. & Yıldız, B. (2019). Examining teachers’ expectations from interdisciplinary professional development activities in terms of informal learning. 1st International Informal Learning Congress, 1 – 3 November, Nevşehir, Turkiye. (In Turkish)
  5. Demiraslan Çevik, Y., Doğan, N., Karaman, H., Somyürek, S., Mumcu, F. & Dağhan, G. (2019). Adaptation of the Pre-adolescent Decision Making Skills Test (PM-DDST) into Turkish. 6th International Eurasian Educational Research Congress (EJER 2019), 19 – 22 June, Ankara, Türkiye. (In Turkish)
  6. Demiraslan Çevik, Y., Tepgeç, M., Demir, Ö., Dağhan, G., Somyürek, S. & Mumcu, F. (2019). System design for decision-making about information ethics: A usability study. 13th International Symposium on Computer and Instructional Technologies (ICITS 2019), 1 – 3 May, Kırşehir, Türkiye. (In Turkish)
  7. Mumcu, F., Uslu, N. A. & Üstünlüoğlu, E. (2018). Acceptance of video and audio recording of lectures: Models and determinants. 6th International Instructional Technologies & Teacher Education Symposium (ITTES), 12 – 14 September, Edirne, Türkiye. (In Turkish)
  8. Uslu, N. A., Mumcu, F. & Üstünlüoğlu, E. (2018). Student views on video and audio recording of lectures at a university. 6th International Instructional Technologies & Teacher Education Symposium (ITTES), 12 – 14 September, Edirne, Türkiye. (In Turkish)
  9. Mumcu, F., Uslu, N. A. & Geriş, A. (2018). Turkish adaptation study of pre-service teachers’ information and communication technologies competencies scale. VIII. International Congress of Educational Research (ULEAD 2018), 9 – 11 May, Manisa, Türkiye. (In Turkish)
  10. Uslu, N. A., Mumcu, F. & Geriş, A. (2018). Adaptation study of information and communication technologies (ICT) motivation inventory into Turkish. VIII. International Congress for Research in Education (ULEAD 2018), 9 – 11 May, Manisa, Türkiye. (In Turkish)
  11. Mumcu, F. (2015). Are pre-service teachers ready to integrate ICT into the teaching and learning process: Lesson plans. 2nd International Eurasian Educational Research Congress (EJER 2015), 8 – 10 Haziran, Ankara, Türkiye. (In Turkish)